Fire Team Seven (FT7)
In a world marked by constant change, where shifts are as regular as the seasons, the value of small groups in driving growth becomes ever clearer. Drawing inspiration from the military's Fire Team model—which boosts efficiency and effectiveness through tight-knit groups that strategically overpower adversaries—Fire Team Seven (FT7) emerges. This team, consisting of four seasoned experts with over thirty years in the warrior domain, embraces a strategy that transcends physical might. They believe in winning hearts and souls, not just battles.
In confronting deceptive challenges, FT7 harnesses the power of scripture to reclaim what the enemy covets most: souls. Through a disciplined regimen of work, scripture study, and shared challenges, they fortify their spiritual and communal bonds. While six days are devoted to labor and learning, the seventh is a time of renewal through fellowship and the Word, reinforcing the belief that strength grows in unity.
As FT7 promotes the profound impact of small groups, they invite you to listen, learn, and possibly integrate your group with theirs. Join us in this endeavor to fortify men in their spiritual journey, encouraging them to embrace and express the divine aspect of masculinity, and to build a community deeply rooted in faith. Tune in to discover how small teams, bound by scripture and fellowship, can transform the spiritual landscape.
Fire Team Seven (FT7)
A Journey Through the Omer: Humility (Hod)
Welcome back to Fireteam 7. Over the next few weeks we are taking what we call a "Journey Through the Omer," a series where we delve into the profound spiritual observance of the Counting of the Omer. Over the next seven weeks, we'll explore the rich tapestry of tradition and introspection that this period offers to all who observe it.
The spring feasts, starting with Passover, represent a time of liberation and renewal. They remind us of the Exodus from Egypt, marking a shift from oppression to freedom, from winter to spring — a season of new beginnings and spiritual growth. As we proceed through the Counting of the Omer, we are not just counting days, but making each day count, with mindfulness and spiritual growth.
The Counting of the Omer is a significant Judaic feast that spans 49 days, beginning on the second day of Passover and culminating in the joyous festival of Shavuot. This tradition, deeply rooted in the Torah, commands us to count each of these days as a way of refining our souls and preparing our hearts for receiving the Torah anew on Shavuot. Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, symbolizes the fulfillment of God's promises in Jesus Christ, who Christians believe embodies the living Torah.
During the next seven weeks, we reflect upon the ten Sefirot — which are the aspects of God's divine attributes. Particularly, we focus on seven of these attributes, each corresponding to a week of the Omer. These attributes include Chesed (Loving-kindness), Gevurah (Strength), Tiferet (Harmony), Netzach (Endurance), Hod (Humility), Yesod (Foundation), and Malchut (Sovereignty).
Each week, we’ll dedicate our episode to one of these divine attributes, discussing its implications and how it influences our daily lives.
So, join us on our "Journey Through the Omer" as we uncover the mysteries and teachings of these profound weeks. As always, grab your favorite cup of coffee, relax, and seek for yourself the truth of the Fireteam Seven message! Thanks for joining us on this journey.